learning guitar & more w. Jo Oliver

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In my homecountry Germany I am a well known guitar books author. I teach my skills also on Videos and online courses...

While I am working on courses in english language, please check in the meantime my german guitar website.


www.gitarre-lernen-online-kurse.de and my german Youtube guitar channel: www.youtube.com/user/GitarrenLernVideos

tapping guitar lesson with Jo

more of my video tutorials in english language will come soon... :-)

guitar solo improvisation

Check my German site for guitar instructions...  for my german followers: Hier geht es zu meinem SHOP! Digitale Produkte HIER

Blues guitar Riffs, Solos & Licks

Blues Rock guitar riff in the mixolydian mode...

rockin' Blues guitar riff using the mixolydian mode as well

guitar solo over one of my Blues jamtracks (Louisiane Blues)

Jazz-Blues walking bass figure including harmonies...

metronome online

To become a good musician, it is very improtant to rehearse and practice with a metronome to develop a good timing. Please check this metronome online... just stream or download the clicktrack beats!

metronome beats online:


very good sounding clicktrack!


easy & fast tempo changes!!!


for streaming or download CLICK HERE

metronome playlist (60 to 80 beats per minute / BPM)

for slow tempo exercises (with clicktrack)  you may use this metronom playlist (60 - 80 BPM)


Track 1: 60 BPM

Track 2: 64 BPM

Track 3: 68 BPM

Track 4: 72 BPM

Track 5: 76 BPM

Track 6: 80 BPM

my first music video: "Shine On (You)" - Soul-Rock

Jamtrack in the key of G major