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In my homecountry Germany I am a well known guitar books author. I teach my skills also on Videos and online courses...
While I am working on courses in english language, please check in the meantime my german guitar website. and my german Youtube guitar channel:
more of my video tutorials in english language will come soon... :-)
Check my German site for guitar instructions... for my german followers: Hier geht es zu meinem SHOP! Digitale Produkte HIER
Blues Rock guitar riff in the mixolydian mode...
rockin' Blues guitar riff using the mixolydian mode as well
guitar solo over one of my Blues jamtracks (Louisiane Blues)
Jazz-Blues walking bass figure including harmonies...
To become a good musician, it is very improtant to rehearse and practice with a metronome to develop a good timing. Please check this metronome online... just stream or download the clicktrack beats!
metronome beats online:
very good sounding clicktrack!
easy & fast tempo changes!!!
for streaming or download CLICK HERE
for slow tempo exercises (with clicktrack) you may use this metronom playlist (60 - 80 BPM)
Track 1: 60 BPM
Track 2: 64 BPM
Track 3: 68 BPM
Track 4: 72 BPM
Track 5: 76 BPM
Track 6: 80 BPM
To carry music in your heart…. Music or rather making music is a great deal more than only exercising, cobbling sounds together and performing a song: It is always a journey into yourself, a contribution to your inner balance, zest for life and growing awareness.
Musik im Herzen tragen... Musik bzw. Musik machen ist weit mehr als üben, Töne zusammenschustern und einen Song vortragen:
Es ist immer auch eine innere Reise zu dir selbst, ein Beitrag zur Ausgeglichenheit, Zufriedenheit, Lebensfreude und Bewusstwerdung! :-)